The Pack Committee:
The Charter Partner Representative
Pack Committee Chair
Den Leader Coach
Advancement Chair
Cub Master
Assistant Cub Master
Tiger Cub Coordinator
Membership Coordinator
Activities Coordinator
Pack Howl Editor
Den Leaders
Other Volunteer Positions for the Pack:
Goodwill/Good Turn
Pinewood Derby
Scouting For Food
Raingutter Regatta
Bicycle Rodeo
Resident and Summer Camp
Rocket Launch
Blue and Gold Banquet
The general function of the Pack Committee is to plan and carry out the Cub Scouting program for Pack 1022 in concert with the policies of the chartered partner organization, the North Trails District and Detroit Area Council of Boy Scouts of America. For Pack 1022, the chartered organization is Conant Elementary School. The Committee is responsible for (1) selecting the Cubmaster, assistants, and den leaders, with the approval of the head of the chartered partner organization, (2) helping to train and support all Pack leaders, (3) preparing the annual re-charter documentation and reporting to the chartered organization and the local District and Council representatives and (4) insuring the permanency of the Pack. The Committee is comprised of the leaders of the Pack including the Cub master, Assistant Cub master, Committee Chair, Treasurer, Chartered Partner Representative, Advancement Chair, Pack newsletter Editor, Den Leaders, Tiger Coach, Membership Chair, Den Leader Coach, and any interested Parents.
The Charter Partner Representative provides coordination between the chartered partner organization, the Pack, and the District and Council. The representative is also a voting member of the Council and the District that attends Pack Committee meetings and meetings of the chartered organization and the District Committee.
Calls and conducts monthly Pack Committee meetings for which he/she and the Cubmaster prepare the agenda. Recruits committee members and assigns responsibilities. Works closely with the Cubmaster and other Pack leaders to plan and carry out monthly Pack meetings and other activities. Attends monthly District Roundtable and other meetings pertaining to Pack operations. Attends training sessions offered by the District and Council as appropriate and necessary to carry out the duties of this position.
Maintains Pack financial records, registrations, registers all boys and adults. Maintains Pack budget, receives all funds, pays bills on recommendation of Cubmaster or Committee Chair and approval of Committee. Supervises Pack fund-raising activities and assures accurate record keeping for all Pack funding and expenditures. Attend training sessions offered by the District and Council as appropriate and necessary.
Keeps the Cubmaster and Committee Chair informed about the condition and needs of the Dens; is the Pack's chief helper in finding qualified Cub Scout Den Leaders. This position provides immediate help and training for new Den Leaders and provides continuing support and assistance to all Den Leaders. Attends the District's regular monthly Roundtable planning meetings to plan the next month's den meetings and the theme for the Pack meeting. Ensures that the Pack sign ups for District and council activities such as Resident and Day Camps, seasonal activities such as Scouting for Food, Goodwill/Goodturn, PowWow, etc. Attends training sessions offered by the District and Council as appropriate and necessary to carry out the duties and functions of this position.
Responsible for Pack advancement, including securing awards and assisting in the presentation of the awards at Pack ceremonies. The chair is responsible for maintaining records of each boy's progress through the Cub Scout program and all awards and segments received based on receipt of appropriate advancement and award forms from each Den Leader. The Chair is also responsible for discussing with parents their obligations to work with their boys to ensure his success and progress in the program. Persons in this position should attend training sessions offered by the District and council as appropriate and necessary to competently and effectively carry out the duties and functions of this position.
Plans and conducts monthly Pack meetings; works with the Pack Committee Chair to plan monthly Pack leadership meetings. Insures that the monthly Pack meetings are well organized, fun, and entertaining for the boys and run efficiently. The Cub Master should attend training sessions offered by the District and Council as appropriate and necessary to competently carry out the duties and functions of this position.
Works with the Cub Master and Den leaders to conduct monthly Pack meetings. Participates in songs and skits as needed to insure that Pack meetings are fun and exciting. Fills in for Cub Master when necessary. Helps with presenting awards to Scouts at Pack meetings.
Organizes Tiger Cub Groups from available 7-year-olds or 1st grade boys. The Tiger Coordinator helps and encourages Tiger Cub group functions and keeps parents informed of Pack activities and encourages participation in Pack activities such as the Blue and Gold Webelos graduation dinner and other Pack functions. Coordinates with the Committee Chair and Cub Master, the spring graduation of the Tiger Cub group into the Pack. Attends training sessions offered by the District and Council as appropriate and necessary, including the monthly District Roundtable.
Supervises the annual Pack recharter procedure and charter presentation; promotes and conducts recruiting of new boys, School Night, and 1st and 5th grade graduation plans. The Membership Coordinator works with the Cubmaster and Committee Chair to ensure eligible boys and parents are moved into Webelos dens at the appropriate time. This person should attend training sessions offered by the District and Council as appropriate and necessary to competently carry out the duties and functions of this position.
Coordinates pack activities. Creates and presents special awards. Keeps records of previous years activities to be used as a reference and guide for current activities. Files trip permits for pack activities.
Edits and publishes the Pack News Letter. Maintains a current name and address list with phone numbers of Scouts and Parents. Stays informed about all pack activities and events. Attends committee meetings. Obtains input for the Newsletter from Den Leaders, Committee members and Scouts. The Pack Newsletter is published monthly.
Builds and maintains information for the Packs Web Site.
This is the best job of all and probably the most important position in the Pack. Each Den Leader is responsible for planning and conducting weekly den meetings for the boys in the den. Dens generally include 4 to 8 boys. Den Leaders should provide fun and exciting activities for the boys each week and to coordinate Den participation in monthly Pack meetings. Generally, monthly den activities should follow a theme for that month which is provided at the monthly District Roundtable one month earlier and passed on to the Den Leaders by the Den Leader Coach. Each Den Leader should attend training sessions offered by the District and Council as appropriate and necessary to feel confident in carrying out the duties and functions of this position. The main role of the Den Leader is to support and encourage the boys to complete projects and activities that fulfill their badges and other uniform segments. The time commitment is typically tow through four den meetings/activities per month, approximately 1 hour per week prep time, 1 hour monthly committee meeting and 1 Pack meeting each month from August to May.
Each of the following Pack volunteer positions are responsible for carrying out the fun, exciting, and growth enhancing activities of our Pack. Each of the positions described below requires that the coordinator record and keep a list of the boys and adults that participate, and to turn in the list to the Advancement Chair as soon as the activity has taken place. The Advancement Chair and the Pack Leadership will use the list of participants to arrange for awards, segments, and advancements for the boys, and to give recognition for the parents that assisted in organizing and carrying out the activity. Some of these activities require more adult participation than others and it is the role of the coordinator to work with the Pack leadership to arrange for assistance from other Pack parents to organize and carryout the activity. For all activities that involve scouts riding in cares, the coordinator is responsible for filing a trip permit with the Council office. The Pack tries to keep an up-to-date list of driver information that can be easily attached to the form and faxed in to the Council office. This form must be filed at least one day in advance of the trip for BSA insurance coverage to be in effect.
Scouts distribute bags door-to-door for donations to Goodwill Industries. This activity happens around the end of February and early March. Bags and instructions are provided by the District Goodwill Coordinator at the monthly Roundtable. Bag drop off typically occurs on a Saturday with subsequent pickup the next Saturday and turned in at specific sites, usually a local firehouse. Assistance of the Den Leaders is generally all the additional adult help that is needed. Date is set each year by the National Council of BSA.
Each boy builds a pinewood derby race car from a kit (supplied by the Pack) and races it at a Pack arranged Pinewood Derby day (usually a weekend but may be at a Pack meeting). Trophies and medals are awarded and boys receive segment for participation. This activity usually takes place in late January or early February. Typically a team of 6-8 adults is needed to successfully pull this activity off.
Scouts go door-to-door asking for donations of food for the needy. This activity happens around the Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday period. Instructions are provided by the District Scouting for Food Coordinator at the monthly Roundtable. A flyer in advance of the day the scouts will be by on the Saturday prior with the subsequent pickup the next Saturday. Food collected is turned in at specific sites, usually a local firehouse. Should not require more than one or two adults since close coordination with the Den Leaders is the main way of arranging for food pick-up and delivery to the pickup sites.
Each boy builds a balsa boat from a kit (supplied by the Pack) and races it at a Pack arranged Raingutter Regatta (usually a weekend but may be at a Pack meeting; often in conjunction with the end of summer). The boats are easily constructed in about 20 minutes. Trophies and medals are awarded and boys receive segments for participation. This activity has traditionally taken place in late summer/early fall on a Saturday on the Conant Elementary School grounds. Typically a team of 4-6 adults is needed to successfully pull this activity off including the picnic.
A chance for the boys to use and demonstrate their biking skills as they ride through a simple obstacle course. This activity is typically set up on the Conant Elementary School grounds by prior arrangement with the School Officials.
Pack 1022 has consistently been able to participate in the many camping opportunities offered our boys by the Detroit Area Council of BSA. These annual opportunities include the Summer Day Camp at Camp D-A (in Metamora), the week long Webelos Resident Camp (at D-A Scout Ranch near Metamora, and Fright Night (a weekend camp near Halloween). For the two Webelos camping opportunities we are fortunate in that the Detroit Area Council offers several location options for us to use in any given year.
In order to participate in these camping opportunities each year, the Pack must get signed up as soon as they are announced by the Council because of the demand in our area. We have been successful in the past because our leaders have been responsible for maintaining close coordination with our Council and District representatives and in getting us signed up early. We can rely on the Den Leader Coach to continue this function but it is important that this person be attentive and responsible for insuring that we get signed up and is the Pack contact for all of these camping activities. Beyond this, each of the camps requires adult coordinators and from 3-8 adults to carry out the following activities:
The boys build a "Rocket" from a kit and then launch them in a local field. Usually the last Pack Meeting of the Scouting year, just before everyone disperses for the summer.
This is the banquet held each February that celebrates Scouting's birthday. It also is the time for the second-year Webelos to "crossover" into a Boy Scout troop if they elect to do so. This is one of the most elaborate and costly functions of the Pack because of the number of attendees, food, and other supplies needed.
Copyright 2001, PACK 1022 Conant Elementary School